General Surgery Lecture notes

>> Sunday, March 14, 2010

Abdominal Wall and Hernias

Hernias - MColey

Rectus Sheath Hematomas - TAddona

Abdominal wall reconstruction - TAddona

Inguinal Hernia - Lap vs Open - TAddona

Endocrine Surgery

Thyroid Papillary and Follicular Tumors - SPorter

Carcinoid Tumors - MColey

Parathyroid Glands - SNguyen

MEN I -TAddona

Pheochromocytoma - RWellner

Thyroid Nodules - JOzao

Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgery Review - JFrischer

Hirschsprungs Disease - SNguyen

Omphalocele & Gastroschisis - SNguyen

Pediatric Umbilical Abnormalities - SNguyen

Pediatric Surgery Review -TAddona

Necrotizing Enterocolitis - SArora

Vascular Surgery

Hemodialysis Access - ITurnbull


Neck trauma - USarpel

ED Thoracotomy - SNguyen

Trauma Overview - SArora

Shock and Resuscitation - SNguyen

Skin, Soft Tissue, and Breast

Merkel Cell Tumor - RWellner

Necrotizing Fasciitis - JLampert

Surgical Complications

Complications of Bariatric Surgery - ESadot

Ureteral Injury - JFrischer

Bladder Injury - JFrischer


Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation - EMarcus

Retroperitoneal Sarcoma - EChin

Pseudomyxoma Peritonei - EChin

Surgery for Obesity - TAddona

Surgical Challenges in Diabetic Patients - MShapiro

Tracheostomy - ITurnbull

Esophagus, Stomach, Small Bowel, and Colon

Right Sided Diverticulitis - SPorter

Ischemic Colitis - MColey

Gastric Cancer - HBazan

GI Carcinoid Tumors - HBazan

IBD and Pregnancy - HBazan

Colonic bleeding embolization - DBaril

Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma - DBaril

Appendicitis in Pregnancy - SNguyen

Boerhaave's Syndrome - USarpel

GI Carcinoid Tumors - USarpel

Adult Intussusception - TAddona

Ogilvie's Syndrome - TAddona

Cytokine Therapy for Crohn's Disease - KSherafgan

Omental Infarction and Epiploic Appendagitis - SNguyen

Antireflux Surgery - PTabrizian

Benign Gastric Ulcers - DNicastri

Liver and Biliary System

Gallbladder Cancer - TAddona

Management colorectal CA and liver mets - HBazan

Ampullary Tumors - EChin

Biliary Injury in Lap Chole - TAddona

Cholangiocarcinoma - RWellner

Cholecystitis and Pregnancy - KSherafgan

Pancreas and Spleen

Pacreatic Pseudocysts - KSherAfgan

Cystic Pancreatic Lesions - EChin

Palliative Surgery in Pancreatic Cancer - EChin

Spleen ITP - EChin

Splenectomy in Hematologic Disorders - SNguyen

Necrotizing Pancreatitis - DBaril

Pancreatic Pseudocysts - SNguyen



Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Surgery


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