Respiratory Medicine lecture notes

>> Sunday, March 14, 2010


DyspnoeaDownload (501 KB)
Revised National Tuberculosis Control ProgrammeDownload (212 KB)
Massive HemoptysisDownload (237 KB)
Tubercular Pleural effusionsDownload (51 KB)
Aerosol therapyDownload (206 KB)
Management of severe sepsisDownload (198 KB)
Management of stable COPDDownload (184 KB)
Non resolving pneumoniaDownload (90 KB)
Approach to DPLDDownload (278 KB)
Diffuse alveolar haemorrhageDownload (112 KB)
Pulmonary manifestations of heart diseaseDownload (365 KB)
Acute exacerbation of asthma and COPD: similarities and differencesDownload (54KB)
Management of IPFDownload (104 KB)
Pulmonary Manifestations of connective tissue diseaseDownload (297 KB)

Interventional BronchoscopyDownload (2048 KB)
Lung Volumes & Airway ResistanceDownload (767 KB)
Respiratory Mechanics in
Mechanical Ventilation
Download (650 KB)
Lung in extreme environmentsDownload (565 KB)
Mechanical Ventilation: New ModesDownload (961 KB)
Congenital and Developmental Anomalies of the LungDownload (191 KB)
Oxygen and CO2 CascadeDownload (666 KB)
Ventilation-perfusion in Health & DiseaseDownload (642 KB)
Pulmonary Host DefencesDownload (462 KB)
July - December 2008
Renal Replacemnt Therapy in ICUDownload (196 KB)
Functional AssessmentDownload (604 KB)
Filteration in ICUDownload (976 KB)
Humidification in ICUDownload (169 KB)
Fever in ICUDownload (331 KB)
Ultrasound in ICUDownload (367 KB)
Extrapulmonary manifestations of COPDDownload (358 KB)
IPF: recent advances in ManagementDownload (271 KB)
Genetic and targeted therapies for lung cancerClick here to view
Recruitment maneuvers- Rationale , Protocols and utilityClick here to view
Chemotherapy Related ComplicationsClick here to view
Targetted therapies in asthmaClick here to view
January-June 2008
Steroid dependant asthmaDownload (512 KB)
Hemodynamic monitoring in ICUDownload (213KB)
Rheumatological emergencies in ICUDownload (230KB)
Inhaled drug (non-bronchodilator) therapyDownload (257KB)
Approach to the critically ill poisoned patientDownload (405KB)
Anti fungal therapiesDownload (567 KB)
Scoring Systems in ICUDownload (315 KB)
DiffusionDownload (176 KB)
July - December 2007
Occupational asthmaDownload (167 KB)
Advances in diagnosis of TBDownload (246 KB)
Silicosis and silico-tuberculosisDownload (115 KB)
Pulmonary hypertension in CTDDownload (276 KB)
Pre-operative Evaluation for Lung ResectionDownload (128 KB)
Preventing Ventilator Induced Lung Injury in ARDSDownload (1.64 MB)
Airway RemodellingDownload (131 KB)
Management of SarcoidosisDownload (652 KB)
Pre-operative Evaluation for non-thoracic surgeryDownload (422 KB)
Recent Advances in Bronchoscopic proceduresDownload (821 KB)
January-June 2007
Pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary ARDS: Fizz or Fuss ?Download (309 KB)
Weaning from Mechanical VentilatorDownload (531 KB)
Exhaled BiomarkersDownload (165 KB)
Pulmonary RehablitationDownload (406 KB)
Brochiolar DisordersDownload (601 KB)
Air Travel and LungsDownload (251 KB)
2004- 2006
Oxygen-Carbon dioxide transportDownload (113 KB)
DiffusionDownload (306 KB)
Control of BreathingDownload (129 KB)
BronchiolitisDownload (763 KB)
ABG: Clinical interpretationDownload (154 KB)
Pulmonary HypertensionDownload (454 KB)
Advances in treatment of ARDSDownload (578KB)
Obstructive Sleep ApneaDownload (463 KB)
VentilationDownload (340 KB)
SarcoidosisDownload (261 KB)
Inoperable Non Small Cell Lung CancerDownload (160 KB)
Small cell Lung CancerDownload (544 KB)
Acute Exacerbation of COPDDownload (740 KB)
HIV-TB CoinfectionDownload (1.1 MB)
Uncommonl ILDsDownload (186 KB)
Idiopathic Interstial PneumoniasDownload (2.1 MB)
Lungs Ageing, Pregnancy & ExcerciseDownload (180 KB)
BAL and TBLBDownload (249 KB)
Major Airway ObstructionDownload (380 KB)
LVRS & BullectomyDownload (700 KB)
ThoracoscopyDownload (470 KB)
Cardio-pulmonary exercise testingDownload (487 KB)
Immunotherapy in asthmaDownload (209 KB)
Swan-Ganz catheterisationDownload (180 KB)
Staging of lung cancerDownload (336 KB)
Molecular tools in diagnosis of TBDownload (330 KB)
Pulmonary infections associated with hematological malignancies and bone marrow transplantDownload (256 KB)
MDR TB in extra-pulmonary sitesDownload (406 KB)
Current concepts in Rx of TBDownload (165 KB)
Antibiotic therapyDownload (307 KB)
Nutrition in ICUDownload (452 KB)
NSLC current concepts in RxDownload (85 KB)
Non Invasive VentilationDownload (166 KB)
Newer Modes of VentilationDownload (290 KB)
Respiratory FailureDownload (187 KB)
Emerging Therapies in COPDDownload (83 KB)
Pulmonary VasculitidesDownload (300 KB)
Neuromuscular Weakness in ICUDownload (530 KB)
Chest wall DiseasesDownload (189 KB)
Emerging Pulmonary InfectionsDownload (188 KB)
Malignant MesotheliomaDownload (192 KB)
Nuclear Medicine Techniques in PulmonologyDownload (611KB)
Current and emerging therapies in pulmonary hypertensionDownload (102 KB)
Oragnophosphate poisoningDownload (622 KB)
Anaemia in ICUDownload (825 KB)
Surfactant in health and diseaseDownload (209 KB)
Oxidative stree and anti-oxidants in respiratory diseasesDownload (359 KB)
Immunological agents in respiratory medicineDownload (429 KB)
Lung transplantationDownload (164 KB)
Sedation in ICUDownload (799 KB)
Early detection of lung cancerDownload (178 KB)
Cystic Fibrosis in AsiansDownload (182 KB)
Tropical Pulmonary DiseasesDownload (538 KB)


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